Tottenham Trees two-sided postcards available
Tottenham Trees Tree Charter bag - OUT OF STOCK
Tottenham Trees has a Fairtrade cloth bag
with the Tottenham Trees logo and the logo of the Charter for Trees, Woods and People. Look out for the bags at any Tottenham Trees event - only £1. Fairly Traded:
The bags were made by - Bag it don’t bin it - BIBDI make branded cloth bags as an eco-friendly, fairly traded alternative to plastic bags. Click here to visit BIDBI |
There are many resources available online and in libraries and bookshops for learning more about Trees.
And there are organisations which are campaigning for the preservation of our natural heritage both here and abroad.
Tree Identification
Look at the different resources which will help you identify trees - books, apps, websites and downloads
Latest news on Trees
For the latest articles about trees
around the world |