Janine, Elizabeth, Charlotte and Noel celebrated the
launch of the Charter for Trees, Woods and People on the
800 anniversary of the Royal Charter of the Forest on Monday 6 November,
with children from Holy Family, Rokesly and St Paul's primary schools
at the three main Haringey Libraries -
Marcus Garvey Library in Tottenham, Hornsey and Wood Green Libraries
launch of the Charter for Trees, Woods and People on the
800 anniversary of the Royal Charter of the Forest on Monday 6 November,
with children from Holy Family, Rokesly and St Paul's primary schools
at the three main Haringey Libraries -
Marcus Garvey Library in Tottenham, Hornsey and Wood Green Libraries
Holy Trinity children with their origami trees and messages at Marcus Garvey Library
Rokesly children with their origami trees and messages at Hornsey Library
St Pauls tree of leaves with important words about trees
With special thanks to Janine from Wild About Our Woods for leading on two of the Library sessions.
Find out more via the website www.wildaboutourwoods.com or Facebook page Wild about our woods.
Find out more via the website www.wildaboutourwoods.com or Facebook page Wild about our woods.